Drew Loker
featuring a variety of topics as well as…
Reviews & Tutorials.
School Links
About Me
Educator – Creator – DIYer
Thanks for visiting and your interest in this content. I have been a avid DIYer and Technologist since my first Electronics Projects Kit in the mid 70’s. I have always worked to stay current with the latest technology as a means to keep up with increasing demands, while also trying to solve today’s complex challenge of doing more with less time (and on a budget). My first computer class as a 7th grader in 1979 evolved to a career in computers, photography, publishing, design and media.
In recent years, I have been posting some of my favorites topics and solutions on YouTube including TIPS, Reviews & Tutorials for Home & FARM DIY, Computer, Photography Product Reviews & Tutorials, as well as Travel and RV Tips.
Note: As an Amazon Affiliate I may earn from qualifying purchases on any links in the following pages. Most of the products, unless specifically noted, have been personally researched, test, reviewed, and/or purchased, etc. There is/was no incentive to review the products…just simply items I have thoroughly researched / purchased and wanting to share my experience with the community. I do appreciate any click-throughs as it does help justify the time spent in sharing my findings.